
Sunday, November 16, 2008 Makes Play To Stop Online Cheats! Publishes Guidelines for Determining Legitimate Poker Software. is quickly becoming the go-to destination for poker players looking for answers on which poker software programs are legitimate and which are rip-offs amid the wide variety of poker software available nowadays.

San Jose, Costa Rica (PRWEB) November 15, 2008 -- Poker software news site has received an onslaught of questions regarding the legitimacy of many programs that its members have run across. The poker software industry is still young. Like the poker world, it began to explode when little-known Tennessee accountant Chris Moneymaker won the 2003 World Series of Poker Main Event, vaulting poker to its place as the true American pastime. Now, poker software exists that can keep track of a player's results as well as that of his opponents. Other pieces of software reveal real-time odds and can aid players when selecting a table. has taken the time to review over 50 of the world's most popular programs in order to give users an in-depth look at the pros and cons of each.

Although online poker rooms differ in their acceptance of certain types of poker software, each legitimate program is backed by a team of customer support personnel and technical specialists. Poker enthusiasts never have to guess if a program reviewed on is genuine. Many of the poker software reviews on the site even include a full video analysis of the program, narrated by its team of experts.

However, all is not rosy. The industry, like many others in business, is full of get rich quick schemes. exposed one such poker cheating software explaining why the program could never work at the tables. Still, many players fall prey to these dubious claims every single day. resident expert Chris Wallace recently authored a feature article on the site asking users to exercise caution when purchasing programs that are unfamiliar to them. It has been one of the most popular articles to appear thus far.

If players stumble across new software, they should ask themselves if the program in question is making promises that don't make sense. Why would a person raking in thousands of dollars from the tables every night because he is cheating want to share his secrets for just $50? Second, software enthusiasts should ensure that the site has a forum. If it doesn't, it's an ominous sign for its legitimacy. Potential customers can also use popular search engine Google in order to gauge what has been said about the program elsewhere. Finally, interested buyers should also exercise common sense. If the program makes claims that appear too good to be true, then chances are it is not legitimate.

If in doubt, users of can always post in the poker software forum. The site's staff will check it out and perhaps even review it. If a piece of software is nothing more than a rip-off, will say so.