
Monday, September 22, 2008

More Casino Cheats Busted At Connecticut Mohegan Sun!

Widening Casino Cheat Crackdown Continues At Mohegan Sun in Connecticut!
More Dealers Caught Cheating With Outside Players.

First it was illegal gambling operations outside of the casinos, now it is the illegal gambling operations inside the casinos. Whichever is taking place, authorities are trying to stop the illegal activity.

In the past month, police have been cracking down around the country on illegal operations that are taking place within casinos. Most of the operations involved casino workers who were working with outside people to rob the casinos.

The latest arrests have come in Connecticut at the Mohegan Sun. The casino confirmed that six people have been arrested for cheating the casino at the blackjack table. One of the people arrested was a dealer at the casino.

Rory Shaffer of Plainfield was busted on surveillance at the casino giving two men money at the blackjack table that did not belong to them. He was arrested along with Samuel Pierce.

Three others were also charged with sixth degree larceny for taking less than $250 that was not theirs from a dealer at the blackjack tables. Shaffer and Pierce were charged with first degree larceny, cheating while gambling, and conspiracy to commit first degree larceny.

Several of the men have been released on bonds ranging from $500 to $1,000. They will all have to appear in Norwich Superior Court on October 2nd.