
Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tokwiro COO Paul Leggett Speaks About Online Poker Cheating Scandals

Paul Leggett, Chief Operating Officer of Tokwiro, the parent company of Ultimate Bet and Absolute Poker, has spoken in detail about the scandal that has enveloped one of his online poker rooms. Tokwiro just released its findings to the Kahnawake Gaming Commission, which is the primary regulating body for Ultimate Bet. Leggett commented to the public, "There has never been any cover up in our investigation. We've made two statements listing the accounts that were involved and we made another statement last week regarding the completion of our investigation."

A bevy of names have been associated as being behind the scandal, but Leggett said he is unable to point fingers currently: "I get asked all the time why we can't name who cheated. There's nothing I would like better than to name the perpetrator's name, but our situation isn't that simple." Tokwiro is considering pursuing legal action as well and naming names now is against the advice of Leggett's counsel.

My question is: Is this an appeasing way to hide a coverup? And, legal action??? Is he kidding us??