
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Accused Online Poker Cheat Claims Innocence

Phil Tom "vehemently" denies 911 reports

Allegations in reports carried by online gambling information portal Gambling 911 that he was the subject of a sealed indictment in the United States have been "vehemently" denied by Phil Tom, father and alleged investor in Absolute, which is widely believed to have been founded by his son Scott. Tom spoke directly to online poker information site Poker Daily News regarding rumors that he had been indicted in connection with the hole card cheating scandal at Absolute
Poker, indignantly denying involvement and saying: "I don’t know what I’d be indicted
for! How do they know what’s in the supposed indictment? It’s sealed!" He went on to threaten legal action, claiming that the reports represented "unfounded falsehoods." Tom is a portfolio manager by profession and he asserted that the negative publicity was neither warranted or welcome: "I’ve already had three phone calls today from people I know wanting to know if I’m okay. This rumor is getting out to people and I’m a portfolio manager. This isn’t good for business," he told a Poker Daily
News staffer.

My take on this? Well, I wouldn't stake my last dollar on either his innocence or anyone else´s whose name has come up in an online poker cheating scandal!