
Friday, July 25, 2008

Absolute Poker and UltimateBet, Two Online Cheating Giants Merge To Form Online Poker Network!

Well, if you ever heard the maxim "If you can´t beat ´em join ´em, this is surely it! Absolute Poker and UltimateBet, the sites that hosted the online poker industry´s two biggest cheating scandals in recent memory, have found the perfect solution to make all the cheating scams go away--MERGE! Is it hard for me to believe that this has happened? Not for a second. I mean, it´s just following the pattern started by online poker sites signing admitted online poker cheats to their team rosters, isn´t it? In any case, just watch what happens now as AP and UB take on Poker Stars and Full Tilt.

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PokerStars and Full Tilt have a pretty strong hold on the Internet poker industry. The two will now receive a bit of a challenge from a group who has recently been mired in controversy.

Absolute Poker and UltimateBet are trying to regroup from a cheating scandal that has severely hurt their customer base. Now they will try and rebuild both their reputation and their customer base together.

The two sites have merged to create the Cereus Poker Network. By coming together, the two brands owned by Tokwiro Enterprises Inc. will look to become the third largest poker network in the world.

Full Tilt and PokerStars are still accepting American customers. That fact alone gives them a huge advantage over their competitors. Both of those sites are watching their customer base grow on a daily basis.

"Our company's goal is to provide poker players with the ultimate online experience. The launch of Cereus is a major step for us in achieving our goal and we look forward to making many more exciting announcements very soon," said Paul Leggett, Chief Operations Officer of Absolute Poker and UltimateBet.