
Sunday, March 02, 2008

London Bookmakers Accused of Cheating Gamblers' Pathology !

Can a gambler accuse a casino or bookmaker of cheating him just because it allowed him to gamble? According to a judge in the UK he can. An article in Casino Gambling Web reports on a case that surely could have the world's legal bookmakers crapping in their pants!


Graham Calvert is suing bookmaker William Hill for money that he lost gambling. Now, Judge Michael Briggs has ruled that Calvert also has the right to expand his lawsuit to include compensation for personal injury.

Bookmakers all over the world will be keeping a close eye on the outcome of the case. A win by Calvert would almost certainly mean that future lawsuits will become frequent against bookmakers.

His lawyers have painted a picture of a man who has lost not only all that money, but also his health and his marriage. His gambling problem is not masked by his lawyers. They say that he was a "pathological gambler".

His lawsuit revolves around the idea that William Hill had been notified by Calvert on at least two occasions of his wanting them to help with his gambling problem.

Calvert's lawyers also claim that Hill went against their self inclusion program by not only allowing their client to gamble, but actually encouraged the gambling.

Calvert is estimating that he lost 2.1 million pounds gambling in a short, six month period. That led him to losing his wife and his life as he knew it.

The judge will ponder the evidence in the case and will release a ruling in writing in the near future. There is no exact date as to when that ruling will come.