
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cheats at Casino Often Cheat Elsewhere

Many professional and not-so-professional casino cheats sometimes have to resort to other means of cheating when their operations in casinos don't go so well. Can you guess which are the top-10 scams that casino cheats turn to when their casino wells are drying up? I am going to list them, but with a disclaimer that I have only participated in two of these, which, of course, I am going to...on second thought...not going to reveal!

1) Identity Theft Credit Card Fraud
2) Non-Identity Theft Credit Card Fraud
3) Pyramid and Ponzi Schemes
4) Stock Market and Security Frauds
5) Shoplifting
6) Swindling Spouses, Lovers, Girlfriends, and Boyfriends
7) Using Dine and Dash Cards in Restaurants***
8) Kiting Checks
9) Forging Checks
10)All of the Above, plus others too numerous to mention!
*** I think you know what that is; if not, e-mail me.