
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Remote Online Casino Poker Hack Attack!

This is really becoming a major online casino and poker problem. I first began reporting on these attacks two weeks ago when notified of them by a very astute reader of this blog from Italy. The latest victim of these remote attacks is, an Irish online casino operated by the Fitzwilliam Card Club, which is offering live online casino games. The site has now been down for four days! That is an online poker and casino eternity!

Here is a message transmitted from the support that was posted on a French casino forum:

"Our site is currently under a distributed denial of service network attack
(DDOS) from an unknown source. We are working to resolve this issue, and hope to be back online soon. Please be assured that all data, game systems, and player accounts remain completely secure and private. This is just a severe overloaded network attack, preventing access to our systems and unfortunately is not uncommon for gaming sites to be targets of such activity. We are doing our best to get the site back online as soon as possible. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience."



4 days now!...How many days more do they need to "resolve this issue"? Maybe the
players accounts are no longer "completely secure and private"...Check your bets!