
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Poker Cheats Accused!


For more than three years now, I have been reporting about poker cheats getting everything from "away," caught, busted and worse. But here's a flip: In Quezon City, located in Metro Manila, a crooked high stakes poker game ended tragically...not for the cheaters but for the accusers. After accusing a group of men of cheating them at Texas hold'em, a man and his brother enraged the accused cheaters so badly that the accused group ended up mauling the man and his brother. The man died and his brother is in critical condition.

There is a point to this story beyond mere reporting: Sometimes it is better when you suspect being cheated to just leave the game without confronting the suspected cheaters. ESPECIALLY in a home game where there is no official security to protect you. Just harken back to the Old Wild West where many an accusing man got shot up in a poker game because he accused someone of cheating. And what makes it worse, if you are right you are in more danger!

In a legal public poker room environment, you can of course voice your suspicions to the authorities.