
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Casino Cheating Website!

Welcome to my new website!

Firstly, cruise around it for a while and let me know what you think. Do you like the color combinations, the pictures in the gallery? I have really expanded the site and want to make it as interactive as possible, which is why I have added several new features. First, there are going to be videos of me in action and interview, in English, and in Spanish! There's one Spanish video up now, and the rest of the videos will be up shortly. You will notice my Magazine Articles page. I have been writing for poker/gaming magazines worldwide for several months now, and I realize that not all of you have the chance to read these magazines, so I have begun posting articles I have written on this web page. I am trying to get the PDF files for these articles as they appeared in the actual magazines. The ones I don't get I will post in regular Word format, the text being exactly as it appeared in the magazines.

I have also added two new interactive web pages. The first is the "Cheating Tip of the Day," where beginning December 1st I will give a daily tip on how casino and online cheaters operate and how this knowledge can help you. Also starting in December, I will post the "Casino Scam of the Month." These scams will be either in brick and mortar casinos or online and I will give all the details pertaining to them.

If any of you have Cheating Tips that you want to tell me about, please do, and if one of them is named "Cheating Tip of the Year," the person submitting it will receive autographed copies of all my books and have his picture posted in my gallery if he or she so wishes.

The same prize is applicable for the "Cheating Scam of the Month." If someone out there turns me on to a great scam that makes it onto my web page, that person will receive the autographed books and the option to post their photo on my site as well.

So, please, send me your Tips and your Scam Reports. I don't know all of them!


I am also going to develop a Casino Cheating Knowledge Contest where 4 cash prizes are given out to those who prove the most knowledgable. It will be in a multiple choice format on my blog and there will be elimination rounds leading to the final four contestants, something like the Final Four in college basketball. I think that will be lots of fun.

Lastly, if anyone has ideas about what they would like to see on my website, please e-mail me and let me know.

Looking forward to hearing from you!