
Friday, October 26, 2007

ESPN coverage of Absolute Scam/Crooked Online Sportsbook! My Poker Cheating Newsletter Coming Soon!

Well, if ESPN can cover the WSOP championships, why shouldn't they cover the "Online Poker Fraud championships"? According to various reports in the media, there will be an ESPN special about the Absolute Poker Scam sometime next week. This is now clearly the biggest online gambling scandal in history and coverage of it is flooding into the world's major media outlets. Enjoy the show!

It's not only poker that's getting a piece of the online gambling crime market. Sports books are vying for their piece too! First we had the tennis betting scandal involving Betfair. Now we've got some more crooked online action with the thievery at SBG, which goes well with money laundering allegations against several other online gambling companies. When will it all end? Below is the latest on these scams.

Also, I will be offering a subscription poker-cheating newsletter in December. It will cover any and all cheating going on in the world, both in brick and mortar cardrooms and online. More about that soon.

Absolute Poker, SBG Global Controversies a PR Nightmare

When high ranking officials at Absolute Poker decided to cheat unsuspecting customers, they didn't bank on a "mob mentality" and the mainstream press that followed from such media organizations as MSNBC and, just to name a few.

What used to be confined to the industry proper is now big news among media outlets. Years ago, when Sports Market founder Charlie Therwhanger robbed his customers of an estimated $13 mil, the bad press was limited to only a handful of websites that catered exclusively to the online gambling industry. Not one major media outlet took notice.

Today, in the midst of what is arguably the biggest scandal to ever hit the billion dollar industry, the press is paying attention....close attention.

ESPN's Gary Wise is already promising a major expose on the Absolute Poker scandal come later this week. Apparently ESPN has been in contact with customers of another online gambling establishment, this a sportsbook, SBG Global.

A group of players have accused SBG Global of withholding well over $100,000 in winnings. SBG Global contends this group is part of a betting syndicate and joined the gaming firm in violation of its "no syndicate" rule.

"We won't be cheated!" said a high ranking official in the company. "While we rarely have to, we do defend ourselves from this type of group play and it is clearly posted on our website: 'No syndicate or professional betting action allowed'."