
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

St. Valentine's Day/Poker Bots Special

Firstly, I wish you all a very happy Valentine's Day, and if you've been lucky enough to make a score in casinos, whether by cheating or honest play, don't forget to share some of the booty with that special person in your life. If you don't, I will be very offended, especially if my blog has been directly or indirectly responsible for your score!


Since my book Dirty Poker was published in March, 2006, there's been lots happening with poker bots. It remains the second most common form of cheating online, if we consider collusion cheating. Virtually all the bots you see for sale online are NOT effective enough to get you over the hump and give you a consistent percentage advantage that overcomes both solid honest players and the sites' rakes; don't waste your money on them as they are not even as good as Mark Howe's roulette computers. However, there are purveyors of non-commercial bots that really have the goods! Over the past month I have seen several demos of these good ones in action. They win at a rate of 2.5 percent, which is very strong. Most of these are selling for around $5,000 US, however, the people making them are not advertising them online, preferring to deal through intermediaries and contacts. In addition to this, there have been improvements to "artibots," which are bots that actually have artificial intelligence, able to maneuver and change their play, invoke bluffing and fake steaming! These give an advantage of 5 percent or better, but are quite expensive.

Naturally online poker rooms are going to tell you that their security programs can detect all of these new innovations in play, but don't believe a word they say. The fact is that their use has no effect on their bottom line, so just as land-based casinos trump up their protestations of watching out for poker cheaters and colluders but in fact do virtually nothing, so do the spokesman for online poker rooms. In short, the bots are getting better, harder to detect and bringing in heaps of cash to those using them. I will have more on poker bots in the upcoming posts, in addition to some very special information that no one out there wants to miss, the most exciting revelation since the inception of this website!