
Friday, October 21, 2005

The World's Greatest Gambling Scams

Hello all you honest and dishonest (slightly, I hope) casino gamblers and card players:

I just got back from Vegas where I filmed TV segments for a British show called "The World's Greatest Gambling Scams." It will air in the UK in February, I'll let you know the exact dates when I do. It's a ten-part series featuring my famed "Savannah" move (as seen in my books "American Roulette" and "The Great Casino Heist") among others in my cagey repertoire. This show will be much better than the History Channel's series "Breaking Vegas," because I am doing the moves for the camera, not actors who have no clue about casino-cheating. Be sure to tune in if you're in the UK as this will be the FIRST TIME my powerful moves are seen on live TV. For those of you in the US, let's hope that an American cable company buys the show so you can all see it as well...

I have finished my new book called "DIRTY POKER" "THE POKER UNDERWORLD EXPOSED," to be released in January or February. It's an expose revealing all the massive cheating going on in all forms of poker. It's happening in public cardrooms, in major tournaments including the World Series of Poker, and it's happening online, where it's massive! I will reveal methods used by online cheat-geeks even stronger than "bots," in fact, much stronger than bots. I will also show how people are being cheated in their "trusted" home games. The book should serve all you poker players well in protecting against cheaters and spotting them quickly.

I've been busy but I will begin updating my blog more frequently as the "Dirty Poker" release date nears.

See you soon and BEAT THE CASINOS!!!