
Friday, May 12, 2017

Believe it or not, there are small-time Chinese Baccarat Cheats too!

Low-level Baccarat Scams
We have for more than a decade now been hearing about huge baccarat casino-cheat scams being pulled off by Chinese baccarat cheats all over the world, most of which have been done in collusion with dishonest Chinese baccarat dealers. Many of these scams that have been busted had raked in millions of dollars before they were finally discovered. The vast majority of these Chinese baccarat scams have made it at least to a few hundred grand before coming apart.

But I just recently read an article about another Chinese baccarat scam last month that raised my eyebrows--and not for the usual reason. This baccarat cheat scam happened at the Isle Casino in Waterloo Iowa.

The two Chinese baccarat cheats arrested were accused of pastposting and pinching (removing bets after they lost) $25 bets. Their biggest cheat win was $750, and I assume that if that happened at baccarat, it was the culmination of several pastposts and pinches during an entire gambling session.

43-year-old Ke Jin Chen and 52-year-old Wei Kui Fang are residents of nearby Cedar Falls, Iowa. Does that mean that had they lived in New York or Connecticut they would have been cheating baccarat for bigger stakes in Atlantic City and Connecticut casinos?

Good question, but regardless of that they may be facing several felony charges in Iowa.