
Friday, April 28, 2017

Here's a Casino-Cheating Laugh!

Big Football Player Casino Cheat
I have always thought of the possibility of a famous celebrity or athlete trying to cheat the casino with one of my moves.

Well, it seems to have happened, although I cannot say that the famous person who got caught doing just that was using one of my moves.

It happened at the Treasury Casino in Brisbane Australia, where Australian League football player Joe Ofahengaue pastposted a $100 chip beneath an original bet of one $15 chip. He was paid but was later seen on surveillance video and approached at the same table inside the casino.

Details are sketchy on how exactly Mr. Ofahengaue did the move, whether it was a bet-cap or a complete chip-switch, but he immediately admitted guilt and was processed by an Australian court.

The judge obviously is a fan of either Ofahengaue or his team as he slapped his wrist with a $400 fine and banished the conviction from his record.

My take: Well, first off, if this was truly a premeditated cheat-move and not some kind of mistake, Ofahengaue made his first mistake by not leaving the casino (or at least the table) and not having an associate hang around to make sure the move was clean and there was no steam afterward. If he was at the casino alone, he should have left the casino immediately and found another one to continue his cheating endeavors.

Lucky for him the judge didn't throw the football at him! Pardon the pun...or punt.