
Friday, June 10, 2016

Yet Another Roulette Chip-Color Manipulation Cheat Scam!

How much are these chips really worth?
You´ve seen it've seen it a thousand times!

And I guarantee you will see it another thousand times!

Last May a Latino Roulette Cheat team from New York victimized the Sands Bethlehem casino for more than $13,000 with the old--and I mean VERY old--roulette chip-color manipulation scam.

The way it worked was that one of the gang would sit down at the roulette table and buy a color of roulette chips and assign the minimum $1 value to them. But when he cashed out he would hold out several of them and pass them off to another cheat gang-member who later bought-in at the same table for the same color, but this time assigned the maximum $25 value to them.

Then upon cashing out his paid-for $25 roulette chips, the second guy snuck in the $1 chips his partner had handed off to him and cashed them out as well for $25 a piece--making a nice 2,500 % profit on each chip.

And as you can see, it added up quicly.

But they finally got caught because they went to the well one time too many.

My take: Just unbelievable how this almost ridiculous roulette cheat scam keeps beating American casinos!

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

What's the latest with Spyware online poker-cheat hack-attacks?

Win32/Spy.Odlanor Evil
We have known for sometime about the devastating effects on the online poker world of the Spyware Win32/Spy.Odlanor. This trojan spyware is usaully installed on an online poker victim's computer without his being aware. It happens when the victim downloads and infected app or software onto his computer.

Once in place, the Odlanor malware creates screenshots of the victim's computer when he is on the targeted poker site, which in Odlanor's case has been mainly PokerStars and Full Tilt. These screenshots are immediately relayed to the hacker/online-poker cheat's computer, revealing the victims' hands and player IDs.

Because both Full Tilt and PokerStars allow online players to search for other players through their IDs, the hacker-cheats can easily locate the tables their intended victims are playing on.

The bottom line of this successful cheat implementaiton is that the victim will be destroyed rapidly.

So what's being done to combat the online-poker cheating malware?

According to Robert Lipovsky, a highly respected malware researcher at Eset, an anti-virus online security company, the Eastern European block has been hit hardest by the online poker hackers, although he stresses that anyone anywhere can become a victim to this huge online poker fraud.

The best defense for poker players online is to be vigilant and note and report any suspicious activity by their poker-playing opponents, especially when it seems as though their decisions are right such a high percentage of the time that they might be looking at your hole cards.

As with the vast majority of highly effective online poker cheat scams, this particular scam will be defeated to some degree by the online poker-playing community as a whole, who against well armed and sophisticated cheating must take the attitude "one for all and all for one."