
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Two Women Video Gaming Cheats Busted in Louisiana!

Two Lake Charles women are accused of cheating at least eight video poker casinos out of thousands of dollars. State police say 33-year-old Jennifer Stewart and 33-year-old Alisha Baudoin redeemed counterfeit tickets at businesses in Calcasieu Parish.

The women are charged with theft and monetary instrument abuse. Early last week, troopers assigned to the Gaming Enforcement Section of the Louisiana State Police Bureau of Investigations were notified that two unknown people were cashing in counterfeit gaming tickets. Troopers say they identified Baudoin and Stewart and obtained warrants for their arrests. "Stewart has an extensive criminal history including previous arrests for fraud, monetary instrument abuse, identify theft, and drug related offenses," Sgt. James Anderson said.
Stewerat's bond is set at $100,000, and bond for Baudion is $35,000. Additional charges and arrests are likely.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Does Facial Recognition Software REALLY Pick Casino and Poker Cheats out of a Crowd?

Hypothetical Situation:

Yours truly, Richard Marcus, EX-casino cheat extraordinaire, decides to take a stroll through Caesars Palace casino in Las Vegas, which just happens to be my favorite casino of all-time where I made bundles of cash through a variety of casino-cheat moves.

As I am walking through the blackjack and roulette pit, I am suddenly accosted by two young and burly security guards who whisk me right off the casino floor and into the back room (security office). I am handcuffed to a chair, all the while screaming that I didn't do ANYTHING! Then I ask the head of casino surveillance, who rushed down from the eye-in-the-sky (the surveillance room with all the screen hosting images from the bubbled-up cameras covering the casino ceiling) to greet me.

I say, "How the hell did you recognize me? I haven't walked through here in fifteen years!" I have long since retired."

He says, "But you've heard of facial recognition technology, haven't you?

I nod, and he says, "IT recognized you."

Do I believe this?...that some gizmo software program can pick me out of a thousand-strong throng in a jam-packed casino?...that, according to some casino security experts, this facial-rec technology is so advanced that it could have ID'd me even if I'd had plastic surgery to purposely change my facial appearance?

In a short word, NO! I do not believe this. I believe that someone already believing he saw me can get an agreeing nod from the software. But this stuff about recognizing Richard Marcus in the blind...NO WAY, JOSE!