
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Attention RFID and Digital Technology Video Surveillance Vendors: I Will Promote Your New Products at G2E and Other International Gaming Trade Shows!

That's right. I have been recently getting involved in promoting new products aimed at better protecting the integrity of live casino games and slot machines throughout the world. What I do is personally represent your product, whether it be RFID technology built into casino chips or the latest improvement to digital surveillance systems, on the floor of gaming shows, conferences and related events around the globe.

When prospective casino customers see Richard Marcus, the world's greatest casino cheat, endorsing a product promising to enhance game and slot protection as well as the integrity of the entire gaming floor operation, they will be more likely to buy your products than your competitors'.

If you are interested in having me represent your products, get in touch with me and we'll go from there.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hall of Fame Casino Cheat Busted at Caesars Palace!

Well, I have always said that when my inglorious road comes to an end, I want to be buried on the grounds of my favorite casino, Caesars Palace, from which my cheat-teams I took millions. For fellow Hall of Fame Casino Cheat Brent Eli Morris, he may be getting buried there right now...alive!

Morris, who probably holds the record for amount of times arrested and convicted for cheating casinos and who is also an inductee in Nevada's infamous Black Book of casino-excluded persons, was arrested on Wednesday by Nevada state Gaming Control Board agents while he was at a craps table at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Morris, whose cheating specialty over the years has been pastposting on craps tables, was not charged with an actual casino-cheat crime but rather with unlawfully entering a Nevada casino. Once you are listed in the state's Black Book you cannot legally enter a casino in Nevada, and if you do you are automatically charged with criminal trespassing.

Caesars Palace surveillance personnel first notified the Gaming Control Board Enforcement Division that a man who resembled Morris was playing craps at the rear of the casino. It was later determined that Morris had been doing the same on September 16 at the Excalibur casino. When taken into custody, Morris was in possession of numerous $500 casino chips from the Orleans casino, and it was determined that he'd been at their craps tables as well.

Morris is also on the New Jersey list of casino-excluded people. He has a long record of casino criminal convictions and has also been convicted of assault and battery, grand theft and fraud. He has spent 10 years in both Nevada and New Jersey prisons for cheating casinos.

My take: This guy has cheating in his blood and cannot help himself to stay out of casinos. If there ever was an addicted casino-cheat, Brent Eli Morris is it. I have no doubt that Morris had successfully cheated both the Orleans and Excalibur out of several thousand before he got nabbed at Caesars, where he was probably preparing more cheat-moves. The guy needs to get some good disguise work!

To read more about his Hall of Fame casino-cheating career, click here.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cheating Online-Poker Money-Launderer Gets Six Months in Prison! What a Joke!

Source: USA Players News

The man found responsible for having illegally processed nearly $350 million in transactions on online poker sites PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker for two years from 2007 to 2009 was sentenced to the minimum six months probation by a New York Federal Court.

Douglas Rennick, is the infamous Canadian processor, who could have received 55 years behind federal bars had he been given the maximum sentence, but got off with just probation. Rennick admitted his guilt earlier in the process. “I had a business that transferred money from offshore gaming sites to American players within the Southern District of New York,” he said.

While the sentence may come across as soft, as part of a potential plea bargain, Rennick agreed to surrender $17.1 million of his assets to the Federal Government, which likely helped the sentence get reduced.
Additionally, it is believed that Rennick has helped investigators learn more about cheating and processing illegal funds online through Internet poker in the United States.

This is one of two cases in the news of processing illegal funds, as Daniel Tzvetkoff is alleged to have laundered $550 million and has reportedly begun to cooperate with law enforcement as well. FBI Agent Harold Copus said that Tzvetkoff has “turned the corner, seen the light and is co-operating.”

My Take: Again, crime ALWAYS Pays with online poker! If this guy forfeited $17 million, you can only imagine how much illegal online-poker booty he's got stuffed in his booties.