
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pro Roulette-Cheat Teams Using My Old Ten-Oh-Five Blackjack Cheat-Move on Singapore's Wheels!

If you follow my blog, you're quite aware of the cheating onslaught going on in Singapore's two new giant casinos, Sentosa's Resorts World Casino and the Sands Marina Bay Casino. Their rookie surveillance crews are digging-in their trenches and fighting valliantly, and are indeed managing to catch a major cheat or two per week, but that is just a tiny tip of the casino-cheat iceberg freezing over Singapore's casinos.

Aside from professional roulette cheat-teams pastposting $100 and $1,000 chips straight-up or around inside numbers, I have heard about roulette cheats pastposting bets of $1,005, $1,010 and $1,505 on the outside proposition bets, especially the column bets at the bottom of the layout that pay 2 to 1. This is a version of my Blackjack Ten-Oh-Five move, which I also used on roulette tables on the column-bets and on the 2 to 1 section bets (or dozen bets) along the sides of the outside proposition bets. The key was covering the $500 or $1,000 chips with red $5 chips to camouflage the big chips underneath, thus convincing the dealer he didn't see those chips when he "errantly" paid the bets. This was always an effective move for me and my casino cheat-teams, and it is obviously one of those solid cheat moves that will never retire despite my own retirement from casino and poker cheating. To read the specifics of the Ten-Oh-Five move click here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tanzanian Casino Cheat Team Working Singapore Casinos Much Bigger Than I Thought!

Last week I reported on a Tanzanian casino roulette cheating team and how they were trying monster cheat moves in Singapore's casinos. Two members of their team got caught trying to pastpost a $1,000 chip straight-up on a winning number. Naturally I assumed that they might have had success with this huge move earlier, but now it has been determined that they had successfully cheated the Marina Bay Sands out of $150,000, and the figure is probably higher than that!

Now I know that the team has at least four members as two more of them have been arrested at Resorts World Sentosa Casino, charged in what is being called the biggest casino fraud case since legal gambling came to Singapore. The first cheat, Kipuyo Lemburis Israel, a 34 year-old Tanzanian, was charged with five counts of cheating the Marina Bay Sands casino for $125,000. The complaint accuses him of making $1,000 bets on the numbers after the numbers already won. This craft is known as roulette pastposting. He was charged as well for being in possession of nearly $90,000 in casino chips in his hotel, which was not on the casino's property. Strangely enough, Singapore has a casino law making it illegal to remove more than $10,000 worth of chips out of the casino. Obviously, one part of casino-cheating strategy that was lost on this Tanzanian team is efficient cash-out procedure. One of the first commandments of a successful professional casino cheat team is "Thou shall not carry more casino chips than is needed for a cheating operation." In all, Israel is facing five years in jail and a $150,000 fine, about the amount he's accused of stealing from the casino.

He also faces charges for stealing $5 roulette chips from other players at the table. I imagine that this was due to his needing other players' roulette chips for camouflage purposes of the move. To see the mechanics of how this particular roulette pastpost move is done, click here.

The second Tanzanian roulette cheat busted is thirty-three year-old Sibongile Arthur Mgxashe. He is charged with the same two crimes as his partner, although for lesser amounts of money.

My take: These guys had lots of balls! And they were probably very good at the mechanics of these roulette pastposting moves. However, it seems that they lacked the fine-tuning of real thorough professional cheat teams that can go decades without running into these kinds of problems. In any case, I wonder if we will see some more Tanzanian or African casino cheat teams working South Africa's casinos during the World Cup football tournament. After all, the Sun City casino in South Africa has been one of the best casinos in the world to cheat over the past thirty years...not only by professional cheat teams but by their own employees as well!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Serial Killer Joran van der Sloot is Also International Poker Cheat!

As most of you know by now, Dutchman Joran Van Der Sloot is the prime suspect in the Aruba disappearance and presumed murder of Natalee Holloway and has confessed to the murder of Stephany Flores Ramirez in Lima, Peru, which has compounded van der Sloot into the number-one worldwide media phenomenon as I speak. Van der Sloot is now also suspected of involvement in the recent disappearance of two young Columbian girls, last seen inside a casino that van der Sloot was also seen in the same night in Bogota.

Natalee Holloway was also seen on video tape with van der Sloot inside a casino in Aruba, as was Stephany Flores Ramirez in the Lima poker club and casino named Atlantic City.

Are you starting to notice that each murder that van der Sloot is charged with or suspected of originates inside casinos? So then, what is van der Sloot constantly doing in casinos? He surely can't be stalking potential pre-meditated murder victims, as this would make no sense as he murdered Flores-Ramirez in a Lima hotel room that he had rented under his real name and showed his real passport while checking in. Serial killers are almost always highly intelligent and do not do stupid things like this when planning their murders.

What really happened is that van der Sloot arrived in Lima, where a major poker tournament on the Latin American Poker Tour was being held at the Atlantic City Casino. He was working the tables in a collusion scam, and possibly a card-switching scam as well. I know firsthand that Peruvian casino officials are not very sharp in the surveillance department and I have previously blogged about their weakness and vulnerability to poker cheats and casino cheats. Evidently, van der Sloot is not highly skilled as a poker cheat, although he gets his highs from card-cheating just as he does from extortion scams and murder.

Flores-Ramirez, who apparently had won $5,000 while van der Sloot sat at her poker table, may have been an attempted poker-cheat victim of van der Sloot, or may have seen him cheat someone else at the poker table. Van der Sloot, in his confession to Peruvian police, said he killed Flores-Ramirez for snooping into his laptop computer while he had left the room to get coffee. In any case, who knows what the girl saw on the may have been poker cheating materials or online cheating programs such as bot software. We may learn more about this from Peruvian police who are thoroughly examining the contents of van der Sloot's least what van der Sloot has not erased.

I have known few cases of Dutch brick and mortar poker cheating or casino cheating teams, but Van der Sloot has spent much of his life in Aruba, a HUGE poker and casino cheating haven that I wrote extensively about in my book "American Roulette." There are many casino and poker cheats who live and work the island, and there is no doubt that Joran van der Sloot was a member, whether it be part or full time, of one of these cheat teams.

He may have been cheating at poker in Columbia as well. And as his laptop appears to always be in his company, it is highly probable that Joran van der Sloot plays online poker, and almost as highly probable that he cheats in online poker.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Are Singapore Casinos This Desperate To Catch Poker and Roulette Cheats?

An unemployed 32 year-old auto mechanic named Lai Boon Ngee was fined $1,500 after he pleaded guilty in front of a Singaporean district court judge to three counts of stealing roulette chips from two different roulette players at the Resorts World Sentosa casino. Upon reading this you might think this chip-thievery amounted to some serious money, right?...

Wrong! It turns out that Ngee stole just $25 worth of chips from the two players. His method was the same method I had used to "borrow" other players' roulette chips when I needed them for camouflage while doing pastposting moves. He placed his chips on top of the victims' chips as if betting the same numbers they had but then made believe to change his mind and took back his chips...and thiers as well. Most roulette players don't notice when some of their chips get snatched when they are spreading them all over the layout in various skittered patterns. And these two apparently didn't either, but someone else did, probably another player at the table who ratted out the chip thief.

My take: I think a little slap on the wrist would have been appropriate here. After all, Ngee is not a professional casino cheat and was probably acting out of desperation. It appears that Singapore casino surveillance and security departments are trying to show the world that no one can get over on them by cheating. But the truth is they're only catching the rank amateurs for the most part. The real pros are taking them to the cleaners!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Friendly Poker Game Turns Deadly Over Cheat Allegations! And it's Women!

This is not the first time I have reported on poker-cheating murders, but each new one does seem hard to believe. In this latest case of "kill the alleged poker cheat," the victim was a 51-year-old female church preacher, of all things, identified as Patricia Clark, whose husband and friends say she was simply an excellent poker player and not a poker cheat.

Rosie Morris, the 46 year-old woman charged with Clark's murder right at the poker table after she lost a huge pot, claims Clark was systematically cheating her and the other players. Wow! What was this woman doing with a gun at the neighborhood poker game in the first place???

Clark's husband, James, told reporters that his wife "didn't cheat and didn't need to cheat. She's just very good at cards." Morris did not tell the police how she believe her victim had been cheating, which makes me think that the victim was probably not cheating if the killer couldn't even offer up any viable cheating methods that Clark might have employed. I think Morris probably had a run of bad luck and simply decided she was being cheated.

One thing that was disturbing about Clark was that she had gone to the game to collect a gambling debt from a person described as an old friend in the amount of $300. I don't know if the old friend was her killer, but I guess this means that when "friends" start incurring poker debts to other "friends" they are no longer friends but rather fellow poker players. What a shame!

Making this tragedy even worse is the fact that one of the victim's two sons had also been murdered in Chicago some years ago. Her husband and friends said she was a devoted preacher who raised foster children and even took in homeless people from the street.

The murder itself was quite brutal. Morris pulled a gun and shot Clark in the back, and then shot her three more times in the chest and head.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Facebook Poker Cheats and Zynga Chips Ghost Cheating

You know, sometimes it bothers me to cover this stuff, but I guess it's my duty if I'm going to be a leader in the online poker news industry. True online poker cheating is a big enough problem in online poker, but all this crap about Facebook Poker cheats is starting to become a real nuisance. For all those Facebook Poker cheat nerds doing their cheat thing on Facebook, there's not much need for you to read this blog article. For those of you who play...or cheat...real online poker and don't bother playing or cheating Facebook Poker but are curious, the article below will give you the lowdown about the poker cheating craze on Facebook. The only value to note for serious online poker cheats and players is that there are carryover online poker cheating methods that are done in both cheat worlds. One of these is "ghosting."

Article from

Do you want to one up your friends at Poker on Facebook? This page will show you various Poker Cheats on Facebook as they are available. There are a number of cheats available for poker on Facebook from time to time. Sometimes, these cheats are simple methods to use while other times a hack can be used to add money to your poker account or make certain cards available more often.

A common cheat used is the "ghost" cheat, whereby a player uses an alternate Facebook account to create a ghost player on his or her table. This way, the player has a higher chance of winning by playing as two or more players at the same time on the same table.

Facebook's popularity has generated many customers for its many poker applications, the most popular of which being Texas Hold 'em. It is important to note that the free Facebook applications are nowhere near the quality found in most of the independent online poker sites such as Pokerstars.Com and are not intended for high caliber poker players.

The absence of cash prizes, however, makes it a great place for beginners to learn the basics of the game and hone their poker skills. While Facebook's poker applications do not consist of any cash-based poker play, it is necessary to earn chips to participate in gameplay.

Recently, Facebook games have gained popularity. Games such as Poker on Facebook that rely on a community of players have been particularly popular because they extend the multi-user environment that Facebook is founded in.

As an important note for parents, game creator Zynga advises that while they have removed inappropriate content from the game, the online, interactive nature of the game can change the spirit of gameplay.

Several cheats and hacks have been developed to help players acquire poker chips more quickly than they are earned through normal gameplay. Be advised that these cheats are against the terms of service of each game, and using them puts your gaming account at risk. This page contains links to available cheats however because the community and game developer monitor illicit activity, the cheats available may be limited.