
Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Online Poker Bot Detection Anti-Cheat Software!

A company in Cambridge, England, has developed software that will help protect online casinos and Internet gambling patrons from programs and robots in corrupt schemes. Featurespace has created programs that analyze behavioral choices, determining if improper use of statistical and predictive software is used in play.

The software developer already has signed deals with to guard the firm's online skill games, and both Internet poker and online casino operators are eager to employ the product to prevent cheating. Betfair has already reached an agreement, and other online gaming companies are lining up to ink deals.

Software analysis searches for abnormal betting patterns, and then groups them into those choices that reward the player and those that don't. The system is able to tell when fraudulent play at online gambling is happening, and whether the choices are being made by a human or computer bot.

The need for greater detection methods of online gambling fraud and cheating was borne out by last year's scandal at online poker rooms Absolute Bet and Ultimate Poker. Crooked play was eventually detected, but only after months of intensive human investigation. If players can be assured that the integrity of online casinos is inviolate, the last complaint against Internet gambling may lose what weight it carries.