
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pitbull Poker Shut Down For Cheating, Its Directors Arrested!

Amid rumours and allegations of cheating, fraud, superusers and cashouts which were never delivered it seems that online poker room Pitbull Poker has closed down. 2+2 forum user Chesterboy was the first to suggest there may be problems with Pitbull Poker back in July this year. Following the allegations several players came forward with similar concerns and eventually a former employee of Pitbull Poker came to Poker News Headlines to offer his evidence on the cheating and fraud allegations.

Dave Brenes has commented on Pitbull closing on 2+2 under the username DBReal by saying:

Hi guys, I know you wonder if it is me or not. Let me say this:

Kevin was taken for interrogation as many people at the scene claimed he was trying to leave without notice, but he was released. I was never a director of the company, just a pawn in their game (sure!) and until yesterday I realized they were using my name to front PB here and I truly believed everything they said. I don’t know if there was truth of just plain lies in everything, it is very recent to know for sure but I know they tried to rip us off by leaving us blank with no job, payment or anything.

I felt necessary to post as my name was at stake a long time ago and I trusted Kevin would do what it takes to keep the company clean and show everyone we were legit. I guess that was my real mistake, although questions were asked I never went deep into the company operations to find out what really was lying beneath. I truly hope it gets resolved for players and affiliates left with pending payouts, I have my own financial issues with them and I just want to get out of this mess soon, move on and get a new job to continue my studies.

Thanks all for reading.


At this stage the website still appears to be in operation. However, it seems all players have now abandoned the poker room with 0 players in the last 24 hours according to Pokerscout.

It now remains to be seen if players will be paid their cashouts? It seems unlikely given the nature of Pitbull Poker closing and the arrests of the directors. I will have all the latest on this story as it develops.

Slot Cheats Sentenced In Nevada

Two casino cheats listed in Nevada's Black Book and a woman who was their accomplice in a 2006 crime pleaded guilty Tuesday in District Court for their roles in a slot machine-cheating scheme they used at several Las Vegas casinos.

William Cushing and Michael McNeive pleaded guilty to the use of a cheating device in a slot machine, and Susan Lewanda pleaded guilty to conspiracy to cheat at gambling. The trio used the scam at several Las Vegas casinos, including Boulder Station and Fiesta Rancho, in 2006. The three are scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 5, 2010.

Police reports indicate surveillance videos show Cushing and Lewanda would stand watch at slot machines while McNeive inserted $1 bills and forged them as $100 bills using the cheating device.

Cushing and McNeive are in Nevada's List of Excluded Persons, otherwise known as the Black Book, and are barred from the state's casinos.