
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Send Me $4.95 And I’ll Show You How To Get Rich—Guaranteed!

You think it’s a scam, right? Well, you’re right, and it’s a good one. How good? Well, believe it or not, it’s the best scam I have ever heard of. Why? Because it’s a license to steal! And even better than that, it’s completely legal. You can’t get busted.

Here’s how it works:

You place an ad in the personals of any major newspaper or on the Internet. Your ad reads: “Send Me $4.95 And I’ll Show You How To Get Rich—Guaranteed!” Then when people send you the $4.95, you send them a note that reads: “See, That’s How You Get Rich!”

Did you get it? Well, if not, what you’re doing is simply telling the people who sent you the $4.95 that if they do the same thing, place the same exact ad in newspapers or on the Internet, they will have the same success you did, which is proved by the very fact that they sent you the money in the first place. Of course you’re thinking that only extreme suckers would fall for the ploy—but think again! The first time I heard of this scam was in the 1984, long before the arrival of the Internet. The same exact ad was placed in major newspapers in major cities all over the United States. More than 200,000 Americans sent the $4.95—in cash, personal bank checks and US postal money orders to the single person who’d placed the ad in all those newspapers. The culprit turned out to be an unemployed gas station attendant who desperately needed money to pay his rent. When the magnitude of the scam came to light, several federal prosecutors in different US jurisdictions found piles of evidence on their desks, mainly newspaper ads, cancelled checks and money order receipts. But not one prosecutor went ahead and filed charges against the gas station attendant. Why? Because they concluded that he had done nothing against the law. His ad stated that if you sent him $4.95 he would show you how to get rich. Well, by replying to his senders that “this is how you get rich,” the clever gas station attendant satisfied his promise of guarantee, and the fact that people actually sent him the money was enough proof that his ruse was indeed not a sham!

Believe it or not, the “send me money and I’ll show you how to get rich” scam has been repeated successfully time and again. It is much better than all those Nigerian and Eastern European Internet scams asking people to pay up-front litigation fees to claim multi-million-dollar inheritances and lottery prizes.

Oh, one more thing: just send me $1.95 and I’ll show you how to get rich—guaranteed!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Latest Online Poker Cheat, Natalie 'TheV0id' Teltscher, Confesses!

'TheV0id' Admits WCOOP Cheating

According to a press release by PokerStars, Natalie 'TheV0id' Teltscher confessed the cheating at the Main Event of the PokerStars World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) and withdrew her claim against her disqualification.

In 2007, 'TheV0id' won the WCOOP Main Event. In the aftermath, PokerStars noticed irregularities in her account and decided after an internal inspection to disqualify the account and 'TheV0id'. The prize money of about $1.2M was stripped from her and handed over to the hitherto runner-up 'ka$ino'. All the other players were upgraded by one rank as well.

The Briton Natalie Teltscher went to court against this decision. There she had to admit though that she didn't play herself under the account 'TheV0id'. A not further named "agent" had used the account and supposedly used several other accounts during the tournament. At first it was assumed that Mark Teltscher is this agent, or at least involved in the case as he is the brother of the plaintiff and a poker pro himself. A confirmation of this assumption failed to materialise though.

Below the press report:

"PokerStars™ are pleased to announce that Natalie Teltscher has recently withdrawn her claim in the Isle of Man Courts against PokerStars.

Furthermore, in discontinuing her claim, she has agreed to contribute a sum towards the legal costs incurred by PokerStars in this matter.

Ms Teltscher brought her claim against PokerStars because she was disqualified from first place of the 2007 WCOOP Main Event after PokerStars internal investigations demonstrated beyond doubt that she had not played on the account. On her disqualification all other players were moved one place higher in the prize table and the money confiscated from her account, TheV0id, was redistributed in full, according to the amended tournament placings.

Ms Teltscher initially claimed that she had played the account. However, when faced with the results from PokerStars' investigation she eventually admitted she hadn't played.

The decision of Ms Teltscher to withdraw her claim fully vindicates
PokerStars' decision to disqualify her from the tournament and subsequently defend the claim, actions which were taken in order to protect the integrity of the games on offer at PokerStars."

Monday, August 11, 2008

Golden Card Counting Opportunities Abound In Casinos Everywhere!

Ever since the ingenious blackjack card counting strategies of Edward O. Thorpe, the father of modern card counting and author of the revolutionary card counting bible “Beat The Dealer,” and Ken Uston, the innovator of blackjack card counting team-play and author of “Million Dollar Blackjack,” became known to casinos, a worldwide casino crackdown on card counters went into effect. It started in the late 1970s and has continued to the present day—or has it? In fact, what is happening now across the world, and especially in Las Vegas and Atlantic city, is that casinos are drastically altering their outlooks and policies concerning card counters. Believe it not, not only are most casinos in the US and UK relaxing their restrictive attitudes toward card counters, many are actually inviting them to come and play at their blackjack tables! Why this sudden change in latitude? Some of you probably guessed it: it’s due to the tremendous success and publicity surrounding the Kevin Spacey blackjack movie “21.” After having seen the movie, everyone and his grandmother wants to rush out to Vegas and become a professional blackjack card counter—and make a killing! But it is possible? Apparently the casinos have decided to make it possible.

For years, or even decades, their attitude has been “absolutely no tolerance of card counters.” Everything from casino security backroom strong-arm tactics to actual Gaming Control Board Enforcement Division arrests (mainly illegal ones as per the James Grosjean case) had been carried out against card counters, and even wannabe card counters. But suddenly casinos have decided to cash in on the newfound blackjack card counting publicity. How? By letting the counters play! Their new consensus, and I agree with it, is that the vast majority of card counters and so-called card counters will only lose their money. Only a small percentage of even what can be considered professional card counting teams will make any serious money in the long-run. So casinos have now been adopting a policy of “let everyone play; we will lose to some really professional card counting teams but we will win tons from those professional card counting “pretenders.” To me their new policy makes great sense, and the casinos will only reap more profits due to the success and publicity of the film “21” based on the MIT Blackjack Team and their new open-door policy.

So, what this really means for those few who are absolutely dedicated and disciplined enough to make a go out of professional card-counting is that golden opportunities to make money will abound—and I think for a long time to come! If you don’t want to take my word for it, take Jeff Murphy’s word for it. Murphy, a casino table games expert as well as an ex-surveillance director and a frequent contributor to Willie Allison’s World Game Protection Conference Newsletter that is sent out to casino surveillance departments all over the world, (and also a personal enemy of mine even though we have never met), wrote in the August edition of the WGPC Newsletter that casinos across the world should indeed welcome card counters with open arms! And don’t forget that his writings are targeted directly to casino executives who make decisions regarding the protection of casino assets, which, according to Murphy, are not threatened by card counters. And, as much as I hate to agree with Murphy on anything, I have to agree with him here: card counters as a whole will never threaten casinos—but for those few who have what it takes, there is indeed a rainbow at the end of the Yellow Brick Road.

For those of you who are interested in more about professional card counting and training, see my blackjack card counting page.

The Luxury Of Being An Online Poker Cheat

The Luxury of Online Poker Cheating really is just that. As most of you are well aware, the past year has been filled with huge online poker scams happening at top sites such as Absolute Poker, UltimateBet and Full Tilt. We have heard about $500,000fines, rebukes from the Kahnawake Online Gaming Commission (which to many is a complete joke), comments from ex-US senators such as Alphonse D’Amato and even signings of players guilty of online poker cheating to represent online poker rooms! But the one thing we have NOT heard about in the wake of all these online poker cheat scams is arrests. That’s right, not a single person has been arrested for online poker cheating in any of these major scams, nor am I aware of a single person anywhere in the world ever being arrested for cheating at online poker.

But in the real brick and mortar world of casinos and poker rooms such is not the case. In the past year there have been many major cheating scams as well, the most infamous of which was the US/Canadian dealer/player collusion false shuffle baccarat scam. The only difference between an online casino or poker cheating scam and a real brick and mortar poker or casino cheating scam is that when you hear about the latter, you always hear about the arrests—and even often the mention of FBI or even Interpol involvement in the case! So, if I were a cheating man—and some of you may know that I once was!—LOL!—I would surely stake my efforts to cheating online poker and casinos rather than real ones. Why? Because I’d truly have nothing to lose!